Under研究生 Certificate in Diversity 与文化能力

A group of diverse students standing on campus in front of 默尔顿塔.



The 十大彩票网投平台 is now offering an Under研究生 Certificate in Diversity 与文化能力. The certificate program provides students with an in-depth understanding of contemporary social diversity needed to successfully interact with clients, patients, students, co-workers and community members from a broad spectrum of diversities and cultures in a diverse and global society.  

Individuals interested in pursuing an Under研究生 Certificate in Diversity and Cultural Competence can either be currently enrolled as an under研究生 student at 南 or 寻求获得独立证书. 证书课程要求15学分 hours: nine credit hours in core courses and six credit hours of electives selected from courses in two of nine categories related to diversity and cultural competence. 所有课程的最低成绩必须达到C.


The National Association of 大学 and Employers in their survey of employers in 所有字段都已确定 雇主希望潜在员工具备的八种能力. The fourth competency is for future employees to be able to “demonstrate the awareness, attitude, knowledge, and skills required to equitably engage and include people from different local and global cultures” and “engage  in anti-racist practices that actively 挑战种族主义的制度、结构和政策.” 

There are a variety of careers and abundant employment opportunities for individuals 谁能和少数群体的人一起工作. 理解多样性和文化 is critical in successful recruitment and retention of employees from the spectrum of backgrounds that makes businesses, institutions of higher education, public agencies, and more, competitive in markets beyond the dominant culture. 


The capacity to understand and work with people different from oneself creates a dynamic and creative workforce that builds on everyone’s strengths. 文化能力 marketing helps ensure success in expanding markets both domestic and international. Professionals in service industries are better equipped to assist clients who are culturally different from themselves and build a reputation that attracts clients beyond the dominant culture when they are culturally competent. 公民与社区 interactions become more productive when citizens are able to address their implicit biases, be aware and appreciative of differences among people, be capable of successful intercultural communication and exhibit cross-cultural empathy. 具备文化能力 leaves the impression that one’s behavior is appropriate and effective in a given 上下文.

▼   Certificate in Diversity 与文化能力 Requirements


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) skills are in high demand in many professions. You can gain competence in this area while pursuing your bachelor’s degree. 如果你 have already completed approved classes, you can obtain your certificate before you 研究生. 如果你 want to pursue this certificate, 15 hours of credit is all it takes. 请参阅下面的课程列表. 


  • EDF 315 Living, Working and Education in a Diverse Society 3
  • CA 330-W跨文化交际
  • IST 320文化能力

Two Elective Courses from two different categories (six hours):

  • 能力
  • EDU 400 EDU特殊儿童和青少年
  • IST 210残疾简介
  • SHS 210文化响应实践


  • 性别与老龄化
  • sy372 - w社会老年学


  • 美国土著文化
  • 为什么382-W犹太人 & 现代美国文化
  • NAS 101美国原住民研究导论


  • ca315性别和通讯
  • CJ 372性别 & 刑事司法
  • GS 101性别研究导论


  • EDF 300性别和国际发展
  • 国际管理


  • 任何中级语言课程


  • 非洲裔美国人研究入门
  • 种族,性别和政治
  • EH 357美国黑人作家


  • PHL/REL/ sy352世界宗教
  • 穆斯林世界


  • 权力、特权和压迫
  • sy421社会分层
  • 健康差异,寿命
  • Study abroad in any content area (up to 3 credit hours) with the approval of the certificate 项目协调人


  • One course in any content area (up to 3 credit hours) with the approval of a certificate 项目协调人.
▼   问题?



Dr. 劳润弗雷格 
夫人. 凯瑟琳Koury